Some Other Uses for Tea tree oil

We already read about tea tree oil and its uses on acne or halitosis, but, it certainly has more uses. This oil can boost the immune system and body defenses, and can be used by people of all ages. It must be included in the first aid kit to be applied in case of beating, insect bites, burns, wounds and many other circumstances of everyday life.
Its use helps us to improve our well-being and preserve the beauty.

So, what other uses tea tree oil has? Let's see:

Mosquito bites and other insects: Apply in the affected area. For larger areas, apply a gentle Tea Tree.
Sores and ulcers: Apply directly on the affected area 3 times a day. Remember that Tea Tree has healing properties, analgesic, and antiseptic.
Oily hair or dry hair, lice, dandruff, scalp irritation and itching: Tea Tree Oil helps unblock and regulate the sebaceous glands and stimulate the free flow of oil moisturizing the body. Apply 5-10 drops on the scalp, rubbing well. Put a cap on 30 min. Wash with mild shampoo.
Cuts - Injuries: Apply Tea Tree oil on the injury several times to disinfect and heal. Once a crust is formed, apply a light layer of Tea Tree to continue the process of healing without tension or itching.
Minor burns or sunburn: Apply ice or cold water immediately to calm pain. Then apply several times Tea Tree Oil on the burn to disinfect. Continue until it forms a crust. When the crust falls, continue the treatment, applying some light Tea Tree Oil.
Muscle affections and joint pain: Apply and rub on sore muscles. Add 10 drops of Tea Tree to a hot bath.


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