Tea Tree Oil uses and benefits with children

Tea Tree Oil is one of the most used essential oils within aromatherapy, since it is one the most basic ones.

It has triple antiseptic effect: fights bacteria, fungi and some viruses – and it can provide a lot of help when dealing with children.

Tea tree oil uses and benefits with children (and all family)

You must always be very careful  to not use this oil directly, this essences are very strong and they can cause skin irritations – that’s why you should always dilute it with vegetable oil, cream, aloe vera or some carrier oil like jojoba or coconut.

  • One of the typical problems with children at school, are the ever so feared lice. One very effective solution for this nasty affection is to wash your children’s hair with a tea tree oil shampoo, or just drop 1 or 2 drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo (mix it at the time you will use it, not directly inside the bottle but in your hand). Once the hair is rinsed, you should comb it with your comb already impregnated with tea tree oil: this will help dealing with those pesky nits, killing them and clearing the hair.
  • The strong smell of this oil is of great help for getting our inmune system stronger, because it activates our body cells, that’s why if we use some drops with an essential oil diffuser and let it work inside a room, we will boost our inmune system. It would be very beneficial to use the diffusor inside our children’s room – specially on flu season.
  • When we happen to have our gums swollen or maybe a sore throat, tea tree oil will help us to fight those disconforts by adding 3 or 5 drops to a glass of water, and then rinse our mouth with it. Be careful of not swallowing as it is toxic. Also, Tea tree oil is good for bad breath, so you can dip your toothbrush in water with some tea tree drops, and your done.
  • Tea tree oil is good for acne. It helps fighting the bacteria that causes some of it, so it can be used when treating those horrible pimples that teenagers hate so much. There are a lot of good tea tree oil products for acne over the counter that can really help with this skin problem.
  • If your children got to some public pool, maybe you already know about Athlete’s Foot, don’t you? It spreads like fire in these situations. But, you can use some over the counter gel that uses tea tree oil or just wet some piece of cotton with 5% pure tea tree oil and rub the affected area for about 5 days, and then you’ll notice how everything goes back to normal, the natural way. You can use this method to treat Athlete’s Foot and also to prevent it.

As you can see, Tea Tree Oil provides a lot of everyday solutions for our family, and most important: natural solutions, without any chemicals or drugs. It offers a healthy and cheap way of treating some common problems. Try it!


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